Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Theological Significance of Suffering - Part II

Last time, in my essay, “The Theological Significance of Suffering – Part I”, I examined the definitions of each of the key (boldfaced) words in the question, “How can a loving God allow suffering in the world?” Today, I define “suffering” in the context of the question and then move on to addressing the question’s answer.

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Theological Significance of Suffering - Part I

I am sure you have heard these questions: “How can a loving God allow suffering in the world?” Or "What good is it to be a Christian if God allows the same pain to afflict one’s life as the non-Christian?"  There is so much about suffering that is off-stage, you might say, hidden from us in God's will and ways, that one really can't blame the doubter.